Legal Videographers
Dependable, High Quality Video
Our team of legal videographers delivers quality video and audio for your depositions. A videotaped deposition can be crucial to the outcome of a case, and is often a necessary requirement for discovery.
Our experienced in-house legal videographers can videotape depositions, hearings, day in the life, site inspections, wills and settlements. We utilize the latest technology with both 3-D chip and CCD digital cameras, time/date stamping, multi-channel audio mixers, omnidirectional microphones, multi-disc duplicators, video/transcript synchronization, and video editing equipment. Let us know whether you prefer the video in MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 format or Video Transcript Synchronization.
You can trust Torreano Reporting & Video for your legal videography needs. Use our online form to schedule a videographer.
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